I got a new poster for my room. This is only half of the marketing.
CHICAGO [check]
DENVER [check]
SHANGHAI [check]
I will tell you what is missing, MONTREAL [soon to be "check"]
I am proud to say, I have been to at least half of the named cities. Still, my list of travels is not quite long enough. I am eager to plan a trip involving planes, trains, and automobiles. My city has a beautiful train station, built in its glory days. Union Station has such a beautiful luster at night time. (I will most likely dedicate an entry entirely to the monument at a later date; so that, you will appreciate it as much as I do).
I recall a conversation with a boy named Taylor one wintery night. We were snowed in our homes by a blizzard. I mean blizzard by every definition of the word. He popped up on FB conversation, caught me off guard, but we discussed the beauty of traveling. What I specifically remember was the desire we both held to ride a train. Neither of us have taken one, but together discussed how it conjures romantic imagery. The kind of imagery that one might find in a Russian novel by Gogol or Tolstoy: rolling hills of snow, rainy prairies, hot tea or coffee, a classic novel, a broken heart, a reflection in a mirror resembling the person that got onto the train, but fully aware that that passenger is gone and who remains is a character in process...
All silly thoughts, mind you.
Still, I want to travel north to Montreal. I will make it there. My intuition tells me of a secret that cities stores for me.
I generally only travel when my spirit is about to explode. My gypsy blood starts to boil, then I become anxious and crazy to the point I can't take it anymore and take the next plan out of here. I can always feel it coming. A brilliant quote from the film, Ever After, goes, "You cannot leave everything to Fate. She has got a lot to do. Sometimes you have to give her a hand." Too true! Now, I must exploit my secret: I'm working on giving Fate a hand. I've been planning a great adventure. I'll make the time and location, but let Fate take care of filling in the adventure details that fall in between.
I best get going, but fear not, more to come about my deep love for what dwells north of me. It's kind of comical really. As I was telling my coworkers, "it's something about that pheromone of maple syrup that gets me every time."
- Apollo