The University Look

     I'm a college student; so,  it goes without saying, I like to party and party hard. 

     I have come to terms with the fact that not everyone can pull off the hung-over look as well as I can. Still, all too often I see mistakes when walking around school campuses. I think to myself, if this is the era that you develop who you are, where you meet your friends for life, and often a place where you meet your love match soo.. "why the hell are you lookin' like that?" [aside]I am judgmental, you'll learn to love it. ;)
     So, how do you stand out from the rest without giving up comfort? I believe I have perfected the University look of "Yes, I rolled out of bed, but damn! I make this hang over look good." Running late for class, rolling out of bed, and feeling like death warmed up does not mean you have to give up on your appearance and self-respect. Yes, you can be the college student that walks around in sweats, a t-shirt, and slip-ons; but, if you are going to do that,  do it with style. While, these are some basics* that every college boy needs, do them with an edge. 

The Look:
- RockChalk Represent: Show school pride in your University Tee. 
I'm all about tucking in and rolling sleeves. 
- Comfort with Edge: The drop-crocth and tapered leg in these sweat pant adds a great urban edge to a look. Did I mention there is a back pocket for your wallet?
- Dressy/Cas Denim: A dark resin denim jacket is a great look for fall. Stay with a dark wash, to keep a refined look.
Investment Pieces:
- Invest in a good tote, backpack, or messenger bag. Freitag is a Swiss brand made for running around on a bike and to handle the weather. I mean, you need something to carry your Mac/iPad around, right? They make products compatible with all your Apple needs.
- When treading around campus, these Top-Siders are a great slip on to invest in. But, please wear nylon socks with them. 
- Ray-Ban Wayfarers are a classic shape that every guy should have in his closet. 
- Seal the deal with a great time piece. I love me a leather strap and bold face; but, try wrapping a wristband around it. 
Believe me, Girls notice first a man's shoes, hair, and nails. 
Give him a good watch and she'll notice the details.

Get the Look:
- Kansas University Tee (Allgate Clothing Co. : Standard***
- OAK Black Drop-Crotch Sweatpants (
- Black Sperry Boat Shoe (
- 1969 Denim Jacket (
- Wayfarer Sunglasses (
- D&G Time Watch (
- Leather Wrist Band (
- Tote (**

I'd say, you could walk around campus in this and still feel confident enough to ask that cute girl sitting in front of you on the bus out. A girl loves a guy who knows how to put himself together.
Best of Luck, Boys.

the dark side of preppy,

- Apollo

*other basics include Aspirin, Altoids, Adderall, and Coffee with a little bit of Baileys [not necessarily in that order]
**not featured with outfit
***just thought I'd let you know "made in canada" <3

Love is Love, Not Fade Away

This is just a quick post before I jet for an espresso at the Nerman Contemporary Museum:

Lauren & Brandon. 
Ever had a best friend that bring out the best in you? 
I have two. 
Lucky for me, they are dating each other. 
Simply the cutest couple I know. 




 [et moi]

Lauren is effortlessly classy and effortlessly cool
Brandon is a total throwback and total stud.

- Apollo

ps. Lauren is going to Canada in October. I think I might make cards with my photo and my information for her to pass out in hopes that she can find me a Canadian lover..

*self portrait and photos taken by Lauren

Shake It Out

"And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't
So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road
And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope
It's a shot in the dark and right at my throat
Cause looking for heaven, for the devil in me
Looking for heaven, for the devil in me
Well what the hell I'm gonna let it happen to me"

this seems almost fitting after my last post.


On Giving Out Numbers

Heads up, this is a post about life as a guy (or very progressive women). 

Dear, Last Night, if there is anything you have taught me, it's that I have no game. (No, I literally mean, NO game). 

A Rewind:
     Last weekend, while working, my phone goes off with a FB friend request from a stranger I didn't know along with a very interesting message that went something like this:

"I know you have no idea who this is, but you have the most beautiful smile and it brightens my day every time I see it. :)"

     The smiley face at the end was a little too cheesy for me, not gonna lie. I'm far from a romantic type of guy. I don't react well when someone comes up to me that I don't know. Aside from simply just .. not being my type, the smiley face means that you'll never have a chance with me. I remember my ex one time had discussed in a serious discussion/apology that he had thought about bringing flowers. But, when thinking about who he was about to meet aka, me, he instantly changed his mind. He had learned quick to not sugar coat things with romance. 
     That following Tuesday morning, while ranting to my coworker about how creepy it was that I had been found and messaged, he started to walk up. I darted to the back, looked around for something to bring to the front, so it wasn't terribly obvious that I was avoiding him. Well, I came out too soon. He was waiting for me. He comes up to me and goes, "I was wondering if you wanted to go out for coffee." (Note: I work in a coffee shop; so, never ask anyone that works in a coffee shop out for coffee). I look around and reply, "You know I work in a coffee shop, right? [insert a squint of the eyes saying, 'your an idiot' here], "I can't, but thanks." Then moved on right to the next customer. 
     In reflection, I wondered why I never get hit on or set up. I asked some friend. This is the consensus: 
1) Apparently, I'm really good looking and it's difficult to come up to me. Not to mention, I have killer style. Hell, just to meet me for a coffee or say hi, apparently, one feel like they need to dress up. I got some good looking genes (thanks, mom).
2) Despite my wit and damning humor, I'm a good and amazing guy, that they don't know anyone that is up to my level and they not gonna half-ass a blind date for you. 
3) My friends would have to approve and they tell me that he would have to get awesomer by the second in order to be up to parity. 
4) Ever since I was younger, I have "Fuck Off" written on my facial expression when just sitting in public. 
     My friends do watch out for me, because I've been in some really shitty relationships. I guess that's why I come off very guarded. Lessons learned from them include, I want to intimidate, I'm a pretty cool dude, but I'm a difficult match, Others are not cool enough because I'm judgey, and I naturally come off as an ass. 

     That next night, I had the pleasure of dinner with one of my best and oldest friends, Mary. I love Mary, because she gives to me how it is, she's honest and she dishes it right back to me. While shoveling our faces with carbs, we talked about how my life is coming into focus and it would do me some good to settle down. I just need to do it. She's right. This discussion has stayed with me some time now. I'm the person, who has planned out a life of celibacy. I have no qualms about that. I'm just one of those people that love doesn't look good on me. I make sense alone. It's also difficult to picture me with a match. Still, it might do me some good. When trying to think of what it would be like for me in a proper relationship, the dynamics of my kind of relationship would be similar to Austin's Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy.

Last Night:
     I did a first last night: I gave my number out willingly to someone I didn't know. Damn, that is far harder than it looks. Now, I know why guys talk about it and are so reluctant before doing the kill. Chances are, if they are anything like me, the general reaction is, "Thanks, Bye" with a roll of the eyes and dropping the number in the trash on the way out. I'm really not nice. 
     I had gone to the Union to meet friends where I saw a regular there. I had mentioned to a friend while dancing that I wish I had the nerve to go up and strike conversation. Well, they did it for me. I went over to properly introduce myself. I couldn't talk, it was awkward and then Annie's "I Don't Like Your Band Came On; so, I said, lets dance. Nope! That was a total bust too. I'd say because we are both 80s-style dancers. I had plenty of wingman and I still failed. That whole logic of liquid courage, well, now that is just a bunch of shit too. I had plenty of whiskey-coke and still failed.  Regardless, I wanted to know I could do it. God bless, my friend Edward. He was so encouraging and nice as I was trying to make a move. Still, puberty was less awkward than me trying to give a signal that I'm interested. 
     Upon leaving the bar, my number was on the back of a piece of paper, in my front left pocket and I did it. I hardly remember what I said, but I'm sure I came off handicapped. I handed the piece of paper off and walked back to Edward as we went to my car. Edward had told me,  "Apollo, you just needed to do it. If you don't do it, then you will wonder every time and if nothing else .. it's good practice."

[here is the receipt paper that I tore off the end for my number]

I have a new respect when a guy goes over to a girl, he doesn't know, introduces himself, tries to strike up conversation and exchange numbers. It did me good to be on the other side for once. 

single and far from able to know how to mingle,


ps. Sorry for misspelling, I'm kinda hungover..

Boots for Bootcut

Fall is here; thus,
 boots are here too.
 What's new for me; however, 
Bootcut jeans are here as well. 

I'm a slender guy, there's not doubt about that. I own a lot of skinny, slim or straight denim. I decided to spice up my closet a bit with the new moon and new season by a new (for me) look. Bootcut jeans. These aren't your dad's bootcut jeans. These are the new Slim Boot. It's a brilliant, modern cut that every guy who is a bit leaner should invest in. I mean, when it comes to style, you want to stand out. In a world full of slim, skinny and jeggings .. why not had a little flare. (Get the pun? I had a laugh over that for a good 45 seconds, too).

I must add a WARNING! It is an irritation I must get off my chest. Women for the longest time have lived off a bootcut and flare at the bottom of their jeans. It's a clever way to minimize one's hips; it creates a balance for the feminine form. Brilliant, unless you abuse it. Here are some rules for a boot cut:

1. Bootcut means you wear it with a boot or some form of shoe that adds hight. No flat shoes, keep the sneakers away, and avoid the Sperry, unless the are hemmed to fall accordingly. Try an oxford on if you want to dress it up. 

2. Never roll a flare up. Keep that to the straight fit or slim fits. 

3. Do not wear a bootcut that is too flare, gentlemen. The bellbottom left for a reason. Unless you have a perfect balance of style head to toe, keep it simple. 

Oh my stars, this weather and style gets me in the mood for a motorcycle ride.

- Apollo

edit: I must add this on, B. Knorr was much of the inspiration for this post. Forgive me for not giving credit earlier. Much love for that man. 

Follow Me, Follow You

twitter : Apollo Noir

catch my life, thoughts, fashions, and passions on the go.
tweet me.
hell, i might even tweet you back.


- Apollo

Future Locations by Trains, Planes, & Automobiles

I got a new poster for my room. This is only half of the marketing. 
CHICAGO [check]
DENVER [check]
SHANGHAI [check]

I will tell you what is missing, MONTREAL [soon to be "check"]

     I am proud to say, I have been to at least half of the named cities. Still, my list of travels is not quite long enough. I am eager to plan a trip involving planes, trains, and automobiles. My city has a beautiful train station, built in its glory days. Union Station has such a beautiful luster at night time. (I will most likely dedicate an entry entirely to the monument at a later date; so that, you will appreciate it as much as I do).
     I recall a conversation with a boy named Taylor one wintery night. We were snowed in our homes by a blizzard. I mean blizzard by every definition of the word. He popped up on FB conversation, caught me off guard, but we discussed the beauty of traveling. What I specifically remember was the desire we both held to ride a train. Neither of us have taken one, but together discussed how it conjures romantic imagery. The kind of imagery that one might find in a Russian novel by Gogol or Tolstoy: rolling hills of snow, rainy prairies, hot tea or coffee, a classic novel, a broken heart, a reflection in a mirror resembling the person that got onto the train, but fully aware that that passenger is gone and who remains is a character in process...
All silly thoughts, mind you. 
     Still, I want to travel north to Montreal. I will make it there. My intuition tells me of a secret that cities stores for me. 
      I generally only travel when my spirit is about to explode. My gypsy blood starts to boil, then I become anxious and crazy to the point I can't take it anymore and take the next plan out of here. I can always feel it coming. A brilliant quote from the film, Ever After, goes, "You cannot leave everything to Fate. She has got a lot to do. Sometimes you have to give her a hand." Too true! Now, I must exploit my secret: I'm working on giving Fate a hand. I've been planning a great adventure. I'll make the time and location, but let Fate take care of filling in the adventure details that fall in between. 

     I best get going, but fear not, more to come about my deep love for what dwells north of me. It's kind of comical really. As I was telling my coworkers, "it's something about that pheromone of maple syrup that gets me every time."

- Apollo


my latest purchase from Gap.
i dare say, they hit the mark on this one.


l'age d'or

a gold scarf;
a gift from the land west of the rivers,
a land flowing with milk and honey

- Apollo

I am.

"'The man who knows nothing of music, literature, or art is no better than a beast,' ancient Indian wisdom warned,' only without a beast's tail and teeth.' The arts are civilization's armor, her weapons and shields against all the pitfalls of life, lighting the darkest corners of the trial, helping us to  cross its most dangerous passes."

I was born under the full moon last night.

- Apollo Noir
