These are the photos I took over semester while "studying"
My profs must be so proud of me..
[Cafe Tempo]
[Court Yard]
[Nelson Atkins]
[Court Yard]
[Court Yard]
Yes, I'm currently putting off my studies by blogging.
Assuming I'm not the only one who does this,
I'd love to see your procrastination.
Follow & Tweet me: Apollo_Noir
I've always had a dream that I'd meet the love of my life at a coffee shop while studying. They'd try to start conversation, "What are you studying?" I'd loath-fully would reply, "Philosophy, International Relations, and French." Then, the rest would be history.
Now, I look at photos of my "studying" and realize that my best friend, Rebecca, is right when saying, "you look pissed in 90 percent of your pictures." Or better still, when in high school my best mate, Zachary Binks, told me "Apollo, you look like you just have fuck off written on your forehead. You look a little intimidating." Then as last night, I was told, "You just seem like you could like someone else or something more...You seem out of my league I guess. So I don't read much into stuff."
I had a theology teacher tell me a few months into the class, "I thought you hated me, because you have the look on your face of annoyance and irritation, but that's just you when you're genuinely paying attention." Maybe, I need to smile more. Hell, after three years of braces, I payed enough for the straight teeth.
If you saw me at a cafe, would you come up? I promise, I'm nicer than I look. I'll flash a smile, maybe you'd get the hint.
'cause I'm going places in life,
- Apollo